The New York Young Performers Prize (NYYPP) 2025

offers a unique experience for music students. Young pianists and string players up to 23 years of age will strive for a level of expertise and monetary prizes at an online event viewed by international audiences.


Preliminary Round (Video Auditions) & Final Round (Virtual Event)

Students entering these auditions learn to develop a work ethic by preparing up to three pieces of music by memory (depending on the age group) and having their performances reviewed by acclaimed adjudicators. The NYYPP Final-Round Event will feature the entrants of the Preliminary Round (Video Auditions) who receive the best reviews from the judges.


NYYPP will take place in October 2025 ! Stay tuned exact dates will be announced very soon.


NYYPP 2024

Final-Round Event 2024: Preliminary-Round Event 2024:  
  Category 1: STRING Category 2: PIANO

   See the Winners of the 2024 NYYPP Competition here.

   See the Winners of the 2023 NYYPP Competition here.


The New York Young Performers Prize Competition

goes beyond developing student’s talent. The preparation that goes into learning a piece of music and the experience of performing in a competitive environment will carry through to other aspects of their lives: academic, social, spiritual, and intellectual. In addition to rewarding students for their high levels of achievement, NYYPP also encourages teachers to maintain high pedagogical standards.


Open for Long-Distance & International Participation

The 2024 NYYPP Competition wishes to welcome any aspiring participant that meets the requirements, regardless of their location. Near or far, whether in the USA or around the globe, if you are interested in competing by performing for acclaimed adjudicators and international audiences, make sure to submit your Application on time!


In the spirit of being a nonprofit organization, AMTL may waive event application fees to students in need due to extraordinary financial circumstances. Individuals requesting this consideration must submit a brief explanation to support their need (along with their application). Since the amounts of assistance are limited, please apply promptly before our annual quota has reached its limit.


NYYPP 2025:
Event: Final-Round Event
Date: NYYPP will take place in October 2025 ! Stay tuned exact dates will be announced very soon. 
Format: Video streaming via
Application Deadline: … (for all applications, completed by the contestants’ instructors and submitted online). College-Division candidates may fill out their Forms themselves.
Video Deadline: … (Video Auditions must be submitted as YouTube links within the Application Form below or sent by email to:
Before you send your audition videos, kindly make sure that they are FREE of
any YouTube Kids restrictions. (Kids-only videos CANNOT be integrated in the Event playlists.)

Event: Preliminary-Round Event
Date: NYYPP will take place in October 2025 ! Stay tuned exact dates will be announced very soon. 
Format: Video streaming via

The Associated Music Teachers League, Inc. (hereinafter, “AMTL”) reserves the right to cancel any event. In case of such cancellation, the AMTL’s sole obligation shall be for the refund to the applicant of its application fee. The AMTL shall not be obligated in any way whatsoever for any costs, expenses, or other inconveniences incurred by you beyond the amount of the application fee.



Before you complete your Application, make sure to carefully consult the Reference Chart featured in the widget to the right (or at the bottom of this page, depending on the device you are using).


Regulations & Instructions:
  1. Auditions will be conducted via YouTube video links. Please follow the steps and restrictions described below:
    1. For each candidate, a YouTube video link must be set up per each audition piece they perform. Each composition (repertoire selection) must be recorded and uploaded into a separate YouTube video (i.e., for 2 pieces, 2 separate YouTube video links will be required).
    2. Each YouTube upload must be labelled with the initials and year of the event, followed by the candidate’s initials and age. E.g., for a JOHN DOE aged 14, their video should be labelled NYYPP2025JD14.
    3. Audition videos must be of good quality and shot with an efficient smartphone or digital video recorder (e.g. iPhone, iPad, Samsung Galaxy, etc.); a 4K resolution would be most welcome.
    4. A full recording of each selection must be posted, without any edits or cuts. Partial recordings will be disqualified. The time limit for College Divisions is 20 minutes; for all other Divisions, the maximum duration allowed is 15 minutes.
    5. String applicants must use a piano accompanist for all non-solo works.
    6. Pianists are required to play from memory.
    7. The links to the audition videos can be submitted either within the candidate’s Online Form by March 31, 2025, or by email to
    8. Before you send your audition links, kindly make sure that your name(s) is/are not mentioned in the YouTube channel’s name, on the videos, or in the description/video boxes, and that the videos are FREE of YouTube Kids (kids-only) RESTRICTIONS.
  2. Except for College-Division/adult candidates who may apply in their own right, the Online Applications must be completed and submitted by the Instructors. In the case of candidates under the age of 18, their parent/guardian’s consent will be taken for granted by the AMTL upon receipt of the respective Applications.
  3. Only fully and accurately submitted applications will be accepted; make sure you consult the Reference Chart below/to the right.
  4. Previous 1st-place NYYPP winners are NOT eligible for the same Division but may enter in a different Division, appropriate to their current age.

The Finalists’ repertoire will be determined according to the discretion of the Adjudicators. It may be a single piece or at least 2 works from the submitted repertoire.
Except for candidates who apply in College Divisions, individual Instructors are responsible for the validity and accuracy of all information submitted in the Application Forms.
All Application Fees are non-refundable.


Information & Contact:

Should you need additional information, please contact the Chairman of the Event, Max Antig, at





  If there are any technical errors with this form, please contact: support