Raymond Burrows and His Legacy in Music Education

R. Burrows - Teachers College Record 1936-05 Vol 37 Iss 8

R. Burrows – Teachers College Record 1936-05 Vol 37 Iss 8

At the Music Educators National Conference, Raymond Burrows delivered two influential addresses that showcased his leadership and vision for music education. In his presentation titled “The Positive Approach: A Significant Opportunity in Class Piano Instruction” he outlined strategies to overcome the challenges of group piano teaching, emphasizing the benefits of collaborative learning and a structured curriculum.


Additionally, during a session sponsored by the Associated Music Teachers League (AMTL), Burrows spoke on “Piano Study as Education for Life.” This speech highlighted his belief that piano education extends beyond technical proficiency, fostering critical life skills such as discipline, creativity, and emotional expression. His involvement with AMTL underscored the organization’s role in advancing music education discussions at the national level.


Impact on Music Education

Raymond Burrows’ contributions had a lasting impact on the development of class piano instruction, making piano education accessible to students in public schools across the United States. His pioneering methods addressed the logistical and pedagogical challenges of group instruction, paving the way for its widespread adoption. His work remains a testament to the transformative power of music education and its ability to enrich lives.

This article highlights Burrows’ role not only as an educator but also as a visionary who influenced music education policies and practices through his innovative ideas and advocacy.


Sources: https://archive.org/details/sim_teachers-college-record_1936-05_37_8/page/742/mode/2up, Teachers College Record 1936-05: Vol 37 Iss 8, https://impa.usc.edu/archive/Raymond-burrows-and-his-contributions-to-music-education-2A3BF17PYWZO.html (Raymond burrows and his contributions to music education)