A Message from Rosina Lhévinne: Guidance for Young Artists

R. Lhevinne - Piano Guild Notes 1956-04 Vol 5 Iss 8

R. Lhevinne – Piano Guild Notes 1956-04 Vol 5 Iss 8

In 1956, Rosina Lhévinne, a celebrated pianist and Juilliard faculty member, shared her thoughts with members of the Associated Music Teachers League through the Piano Guild Notes. She emphasized the importance of a “sense of proportion” for young artists, underscoring that understanding their relationship to the world is critical to their career success. Lhévinne advised maintaining a balance between self-awareness and humility while remaining respectful of one’s talents. She further encouraged artists to gain knowledge of achievements across arts, letters, and sciences, cultivating a sense of perspective that is vital for growth.


Her practical wisdom was evident: “A great sign of improvement is shown in a young artist when he becomes exceedingly kind to others and very critical of himself.”


Lhévinne’s track record as a mentor was unmatched, with her students achieving remarkable success. In the same year, her pupils Van Cliburn, George Yessin, and John Browning were performing with major orchestras and earning prestigious awards. Her ability to inspire such talent reaffirmed her legendary status as an educator.


This message continues to resonate, offering timeless advice for artists striving for excellence in both character and performance.


Source: Piano Guild Notes, April 1956 (Vol. 5, Issue 8). National Guild of Piano Teachers, https://archive.org/details/sim_piano-guild-notes_1956-04_5_8/page/4/mode/2up