A Snapshot from 1945



In 1945, the Associated Music Teachers League (AMTL) placed a noteworthy advertisement showcasing its commitment to music education in the New York metropolitan area. Located at 320 West 86th Street, AMTL invited the public to explore its list of qualified member teachers specializing in instrumental, vocal, and theoretical training.


The advertisement also highlighted AMTL’s monthly educational programs held at the iconic Steinway Hall on the fourth Thursday of every month. This outreach served as a pivotal connection between aspiring musicians and the esteemed educators within AMTL, furthering its mission of fostering excellence in music education.


This snapshot from 1945 is a testament to the league’s enduring presence in New York’s vibrant musical landscape.




Source: https://archive.org/details/sim_new-york-times_1945-11-04_95_32061/page/n47/mode/2up, The New York Times 1945-11-04: Vol 95 Iss 32061