Osbourne McConathy and the Advancement of Class Piano Teaching

McConathy - Musical Courier 1931-12-26 Vol 103 Iss 26

McConathy – Musical Courier 1931-12-26 Vol 103 Iss 26

In November 1931, Osbourne McConathy, a leading advocate for class piano teaching, addressed over 100 members of the Associated Music Teachers League (AMTL) of New York at the Carl Fischer Recital Hall. The event marked the opening of a normal course in support of the Oxford Piano Course for Socialized Music Study.


McConathy highlighted the distinct advantages of class piano instruction over traditional private lessons, emphasizing its socializing effect, the concept of “learning by listening,” and the broader educational opportunities it provides. Unlike private lessons, where students benefit solely from their own critiques, class settings allow students to learn by observing and analyzing their peers’ performances. This dynamic creates an enriched learning environment, fostering collaboration and deeper musical understanding.


Based on a decade of research conducted in Evanston, Illinois, by McConathy and his colleagues, the Oxford Piano Course emerged as a pioneering method that embraced group learning. McConathy also shared insights from his popular “Music in the Air” piano lessons, which were broadcast nationwide, promoting the course’s innovative approach to piano pedagogy.


The event was presided over by Mrs. Myrtle Bowman, who led the course from November 9 to 24. Known for her expertise in the Oxford method, Bowman brought her extensive experience teaching in schools across the country to the AMTL gathering.


McConathy’s presentation underscored the potential of class piano teaching to revolutionize music education, making it more accessible, engaging, and collaborative. His work and the efforts of educators like Mrs. Bowman helped solidify AMTL’s commitment to advancing progressive teaching methods and fostering musical excellence.


Sources: Musical Courier 1931-12-26: Vol 103 Iss 26, Musical America 1931-12-10: Vol 51 Iss 19, https://archive.org/details/sim_musical-america_1931-12-10_51_19/page/34/mode/2up